The Perfect Tank Mate Choices for Your Discus Fish
Like man, discus fish are the kind of tropical fish that naturally yearn for company and are not meant to exist alone. Tank mates do have an essential part in the overall well-being of your discus fish. Choosing the right one ensures that your beloved discus gets to mingle with non-aggressive fish types. You may not know it but discus fish display meek behaviour such that they are quite slow when moving. This is why, when choosing the right tank mates you want to make sure that they are of even keel with the discus so that they won’t be a competition when it comes to food. So what are the perfect discus tank mates you can buy from your pet fish dealer? Here are some that you might want to consider: Angelfish – most discus fish keepers would readily point to angelfish as one of the best tank mates for discus. Aside from their non-aggressive behaviour, angelfishes can be very useful when it comes to eliminating the ticks housing in your discus’ body. Be wary though, as an...